There are many ways to get to Panama, I chose the cheapest and here is my advise for all you nickel and dime travelers:
a) Be ready to get what you ask for,
b) Your body better be in good shape,
c) Have transportation arrangements ready,
d) Have a sancocho soup as soon as you can.
From Fort Lauderdale on Spirit you leave around 11:00Pm ET, there is an hour difference at this time of the year, You arrive at 1:00 Am local time.
I chose a one way from Orlando on those ¨big front seats¨for $ 204.00 all included. Not a bad deal if you can manage abc&d. You are going to be the only flight at the airport. Customs agents must be retrieved from hibernation and then you are ready to move. Well almost.
With great confidence I move out and look for a cab.....??? Taxi?....Taxi?
Hay taxi caballero?.... Chuleta Mister a esta hora.....a veces pero esta bravo ?!?!
Alli hay uno !!!...... Cuanto al Cangrejo? $27.50 mister......Te doy $25.00 socio.....Bueno..Ok
I will take it says this lady.... and tries to move in, luckily I have position as they say in basketball, and she is blocked out of the play. As I leave I see no other cab in sight.
Next time, my son would say, just take the F#&#ing cab.