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First things First

Enough of the good life in Panama City, its time to head to Santiago and take care of business. I am able to take the 4:30 AM bus from the Albrook station that leaves on time with not many customers. The fare is $ 7.50 for the 250 Km trip. This ride will not be DIRECTO, no, it will stop along the way and pick people here and there, for short and medium rides. It is all good, just relax and go along with the program. We arrived around 7:50 Am. All well and good.
All hotels in Santiago de Veraguas were pretty much full, luckily a friend was able to find me a room at my second choice. There is much activity with government employees from Panama city during the work week, there are also many foreigners just snooping around for real estate deals on beach front property. We will talk about that later. You have a better chance of getting a room if you arrive on a weekend. Your best choices are Galleria, Grand David, La Hacienda and Piramidal. Decent quarters, specially if you have been in the army. It helps.

Of course you have a plan specially if you are not a tourist, and that may include driving and evaluating homes, businesses, warehouses, beachfront lots, mountain retreats etc, I don care if you will buy or rent, with any contract you will need legal assistance, not because one cannot prepare any document that details conditions, it is the enforcement and protection aspect. Even with the most detail document and the best of intentions, you got to cover your ass. Paperwork in Panama was set up to feed lawyers for ever, and the choice of who you select is an important one. Take your time...... then your paperwork will take you were GOD works......?

You see in Panama unlike the US of Bush, notary work is awarded to ¨qualified¨political associates. In some cities you will have more than one Notario in others just one. As you start with your Power of Attorney, it will go past Gods office for official verification of identity and signatures. Any commitment that is legally prepared will pay a fee at this office, and believe me they can come out with all kinds of weird requirements. First things First. God.


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