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Pancho, Bengal and Teak

I remember when I was about 7 or 8 years old that El Comercio daily in Lima, announced that starting Monday they would carry a new comic strip in their entertainment section: The Cisco Kid. Yes, I know. I am that old and you are not. Anyway, I had the brilliant idea to cut and paste them and I would have my very own comic. Well, that lasted about 2 weeks .... after all looking back there is something fishy about Cisco. He was always clean and neat. I don't care if he was on his way from Waco to Amarillo or Sonora to El Paso, his outfit was ready for a parade. To add to suspicion you have this .... hefty compadre Pancho. Come on, this guy did not miss many meals. Being on the trail in the west had to be tough and to be fat was really tough. The story starts when Pancho tells Cisco that he had this unusual dream, but he could not tell him about it, because he had not had breakfast, you see he believed that mentioning anything would eliminate any possibility of this dream coming true. OK, I told you. 2 middle age guys sleeping together, talking about their dreams and playing games. " Te digo o no te digo" ... cut the bull.
Well, I had breakfast today. here it is. $ 1.09 special with a Jubilado discount. So I can tell you about this dream and it should come true. Its just that easy. Believe me, ask El Gordo Pancho.

I dreamed that after dealing with a many buyers of teak that I would find one, yes just one, that would commit in writing with a formal notarized contract, to the transaction. It took a while but a contract has been formalized. From a buyer that will not tell me a name of the entity from which I would get compensated, to offers that border on robbery or ¨ knocking my head off ¨, to others that initially communicated in writing and followed with verbal offers. Nothing seemed to go well.

The reputation of buyers of this commodity is almost legendary around Panama. From no payment to partial payment, from selecting only the cream of the crop to just not complying with their agreement in many ways. What a reputation !!!

Finally there is an accord and formal cutting has started. The thinning of this small plantation of 13,000 teak trees, about 3,000 total with an average age of 17 years will go to India.


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