Could you read the saying of the title and write a couple of lines about its meaning and background? How about ten lines ? OK, translation, meaning and background ....
"Broken heart he becomes"
A reference for a "pregonero" in US historical terms would be the town-crier hired by a town council to tell the news, the laws, in every corner. Of this proverb meaning ...
"Aquel que sufrió un desengaño, una traición, un amor no correspondido,
lo divulga a todo el mundo"
Here I want to reference not on the emotional relationship of this saying, but on the "pregon" aspect of the street vendors shouting their wares or services in my San Antonio neighborhood in Lima. A few weeks ago with Mama Mata!! ... we were reminiscing of the diversity available in mid-upper neighborhoods. There was that social aspect, as these peddlers were people of modest means that provided a very important service. I recognize now, how daring,tough and dedicated these individuals had to be. And I remember their shouting and/or sounds advising of their arrival. This note from the web ....
"El pregón se conoce en Cuba como la forma histórica y folclórica que tienen los vendedores ambulantes de publicitar su mercancía. Sólo aquel que la vende de esa manera es llamado también pregonero. Por lo general los pregoneros recitan sus pregones o los cantan. Hay pregones muy famosos como aquel que inmortalizó Rita Montaner hace más de 60 años. "
"Maní, manisero se va.
Caserita no te acuestes a dormir
sin comerte un cucurucho de maní."
sin comerte un cucurucho de maní."
Mamááááááá, ¿por quéééééé papáááááá matóóóóó al pregoneeeeEEErooo?
2B continued ..