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Larry, Jill, Picasso and other perks

This November I will be  married 30 years. Following our wedding in Lima, we flew to Miami and after a couple of days, we flew to New York  for our honeymoon. I had not been to The City, plus there was some added bonuses of going there. Some known, and some not ... disclosed? 

I have known Larry since 70/71 when I worked at his fathers shop in NW Miami for a few months. So I worked for him, and with him. We maintained a friendship afterward. Later, just a little later, I met Jill his wife to be, and when they moved to New York we  kept occasional contact. It was gracious of them to offer us to stay in their apartment in the city for our honeymoon. We were received at the airport, and giving a tour of town. Also, we had the opportunity for an off Broadway show, and some fine dining. First class man!!
With my wife we visited the Met museum of Modern Art were Guernica was exhibited, prior to its return to Spain of couple of years later. It is now showcased at the Reina Sofía in Madrid. If you  know about the atrocities of the Spanish civil war, here was modern art's most powerful anti war statement. A beautiful strong as ever statement.

What else? What else? .. Well  .. Remember that scene in Ben Hur, everybody has seen it right?. .. When the wealthy Arab visits the Roman bath to arrange the wagering for the race. After obtaining the best odds from Messala, one of his officers asks ...
Who is the driver of your chariot? ... The reply ...
"Oh!!  ..  I did not mentioned it? ... How forgetful of me ...
Its Judah, Judah Ben-Hur"

I should add, ...   the airline tickets to  NY were provided by Ryder Systems. I had won some sort of management contest ...  So I just made good use of them. How forgetful of me about that minor additional detail on ... my honeymoon. Look, after all I did have to pay for parking at the Miami airport.

It was nice to meet Picasso, it was great to see Larry and Jill, and so special to be with the woman that I have loved for 30 years. The mother of my favorite son, and my favorite daughter.  This Sunday ... Happy Mothers day Jill ... Happy Mothers day Mama Mata!!! 
Happy, Happy to all ... Mothers


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