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Showing posts from May, 2010

Kusapin / Panama

The town of Kusapin is located in the Valiente peninsula in the Ngöbe-Buglé region. It is isolated, and protected from  development by the Chiriquí lake. Got to go there.

You cant make this up ...

In Newsroom Panama I came across an article with this picture. Is this couple on the forefront just big? Big...big? Or their hosts in Guatemala just small? Small...small.

Cosa de locos ... This week

NICE: President George W. Bush under the 2007 Merida Initiative, promised Mexico $1.1 billion between 2008 and 2010 to make "an immediate and important impact" on surging drug cartel violence.  UGLY: The United States after bureaucratic tie-ups limited spending to $26 million in two years. Records show that in the third year of what was to be a three-year program, Washington is just starting to help. NICE: Nicolaus Copernicus the 16th-century astronomer whose work was condemned by the Catholic Church as heretical, will be reburied by Polish priests as a hero on Saturday, nearly 500 years after he was laid to rest in an unmarked grave. UGLY: Copernicus' major treatise "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" was published at the very end of his life, and he only received a copy of the printed book on the day he died. WEIRD: Jackson fans in Japan to spend a night among his possessions. "The chance to spend the anniversary of Michael's passin...

Perra vida

Sometimes you can't match reality with imagination. That is imagination,  and balls of an attorney in Lima. In the past month they had a few stories concerning pets, owners and people that provide services to pets. Some headlines: "La mascota del jefe del Ejército fue robada de la veterinaria Rondon" "Delincuentes asaltaron una veterinaria y se llevaron hasta los perros"   " Pretendan pedir dinero a los dueños de estas mascotas" Then some good news and then some ...  "La mascota del general Guibovich fue rescatada" "Denuncian que perros fueron a bañarse en veterinaria y los entregaron muertos"  I could not have made this up ..... "Luis Balcázar, asesor legal de Conan’s Pet admitió que hubo negligencia pero minimizó la situación. Bañamos cerca de 250 perros semanales y no muere ninguno.  Negligencias hay en todo sitio, anotó". Fallecieron producto de los golpes que le aplicaron en dicho local, supuestamente par...

Repulgue ...

I had never heard of this word or its use. The following info comes from  ... The repulgue is the edge of the empanada . Much like an edge of a pie crust, the repulgue helps hold the empanada together. In Argentina, it also helps distinguish between different empanada flavors thus a means to ID the product.  In hand made operations the beef empanada will always have the same edge style, and many shops will provide a diagram showing the various repulgues and their corresponding fillings.   


Cara duras ... los Curas

When an organization like a church has to make a statement and take a position on any situation, you have to carefully read what and what not, they do recognize. Joseph Alois Ratzinger said : La Iglesia tenía una “necesidad muy profunda” de reconocer que debe hacer penitencia por sus pecados y aceptar la purificación”. The official position is ... Negar que existiera encubrimiento y calificando todo de “chismorreo mezquino”.  Give me a break!!!  I guess history is on that side of escape routes of responsibility. They said it, but do they believe in it? ... “El perdón no puede sustituir a la Justicia”

Have Bone - Will Travel

  His name is Kanellos ...  The official GPD (Greek protest dog) has been spotted at every major public demonstration  in Athens for the past two years.

Larry, Jill, Picasso and other perks

This November I will be  married 30 years. Following our wedding in Lima, we flew to Miami and after a couple of days, we flew to New York  for our honeymoon. I had not been to The City, plus there was some added bonuses of going there. Some known, and some not ... disclosed?  I have known Larry since 70/71 when I worked at his fathers shop in NW Miami for a few months. So I worked for him, and with him. We maintained a friendship afterward. Later, just a little later, I met Jill his wife to be, and when they moved to New York we  kept occasional contact. It was gracious of them to offer us to stay in their apartment in the city for our honeymoon. We were received at the airport, and giving a tour of town. Also, we had the opportunity for an off Broadway show, and some fine dining. First class man!! With my wife we visited the Met museum of Modern Art were Guernica was exhibited, prior to its return to Spain of couple of years later. It is now showcased at the Re...


T his is whats going on: My central a/c unit went down for the count and its time to replace the whole enchilada. Besides the investment ... hit,  there are those in between days from the total meltdown, and the arrival and installation of the new unit. It has been rough . I fall in the category of those people that are not very technical, I will read something about anything and at the end ... analyze more afterward than before. That is one extreme .  Lets say you spend $ XXXX upfront, and allow 5% interest on your money,  compounded annually, and you retain the unit for the factory warranty of the equipment, that is 10 years. Your cost will be ... But you also must allow for inspection / repair visits . About four at $ 100 a pop. We have about $1.50 every day for ten years ... "Flaca !! ... sabes cuanto nos va costar .. al dia por ....?" "Oye .... mira .... por favor ... dime nomas ...  que dia  vienen los del aire ? "El sabado .. el sabado !!!"   ...


Brother. In English or Spanish  is a powerful word in our social identification.  You have true blood bonded brothers, and you have the use of assumed relationships. Both are challenging. First, if you brother is also the son of your mother and father, it is kind of weird to know somebody else who has the same rights to YOUR mother and father. I have three brothers that have this claim, I talk with experience about this. But to settle any further considerations to fame or hidden treasures, I will follow the tradition of the most important royal houses of Europe .. "first out ... first in" . Now about this brother thing. Blacks have used it for a long time and you will also hear .. Bro ..  Young Latins  may have the mi broder use in a casual encounter. Mi hermano sounds more sincere. But, you also have ...  "Hermaniiiito ... que ha sido de tu vida?" "Hermanon del alma ... donde se ha perdido usted?"   "Oooiigaaa usted ... mi querido hermano" ...

En casa de Clodoaldo

Some of the names or chapas  we had on each other when young, could only be match by those that we had on each others parents. My mother was known as "gringa rosemary" and my father as "el coronel, militronche, el cachaco" ... Well, you get the idea. Occasionally you will be playing with a friend and ... "Mama !!,  se puede quedar mi amigo a almorzar?" Now, I was to be the guest. I enjoyed a  change  from the regular routine at home, but this time it was to be different ... The closest comparison with that luncheon  that I can find now, is like ... hitting a hot LZ in Nam. When you came in that chopper and shit is flying all over the place, you just don't have many options. I was invited to lunch ... No, No, I was set up for lunch. "Buenas tardes, senora" "Ahh ... educadiiiiito ... el muchacho, no como estos dos aqui .." I should have seen it coming. That tone with that Ironia  .. uhmm ..  It was too late. Around the table we h...